Harbin old city Helios 44-2

Harbin old city Helios 44-2

See photographs of the old city of Harbin – China. Photographed with a Helios 44-2 Vintage lens. By DOMINIK



Impressions of Thaipusam in Singapore. One of the most interesting religious festivals in Singapore and a must-see for visitors.

Dalian – your not so typical China

Dalian – your not so typical China

DALIAN is different from other cities in China. Find out why and what is different about China’s most liveable city and see some exciting photographs from Dalian.

Beijing – Love at first sight

Beijing – Love at first sight

Visiting Beijing was a love at first sight. Read here how this love story started and developed. And why I did not visit the forbidden city during this visit.



  Harbin’s Snow & Ice Festival – a very cool idea   In the following, I am going to tell you and to show you why I consider the authorities of Harbin to be among the most clever in the world. But a brief introduction into where and what Harbin is may be...

Pretty pretty Amsterdam

Pretty pretty Amsterdam

  PRETTY, PRETTY AMSTERDAM   Let me start this by exclaiming: If you have not been to Amsterdam you have not seen Europe. A pretty strong claim. Yes, I know. But seriously: Amsterdam is for sure among the most beautiful cities in Europe. Easily on par with...

Kaoshiung Asias most relaxed metropolis

Kaoshiung Asias most relaxed metropolis

  Have you ever heard of Kaohsiung ?   No ? Not to worry, you are in good company. Very few people know this pleasant city. I predict within the next 5-10 years Kaohsiung will rise to fame and become a major tourist destination in Asia. Let me share with you...

The Temples of Kaoshiung

The Temples of Kaoshiung

During a recent visit to Kaoshiung – Taiwan I had the privilege to photograph some of the most beautiful temples I have ever seen.

TOKYO – Shibuya , Shinjuku and then some

TOKYO – Shibuya , Shinjuku and then some

    Japanese Gadgets    Throughout my life, Japanese products & gadgets have played a significant role. The Walkman in the 80-ies profoundly changed my music listening habits. My first amplifier and the whole Hi-Fi stereo system were Japanese. So...

Hanoi – Asia’s most characterful city

Hanoi – Asia’s most characterful city

  Hanoi - Asia’s most characterful city   When I started writing this post I thought I will start it with telling you that I have found South East Asia’s most beautiful city. But after some thinking, I changed my mind. Why ?  Because beauty is in the eye of...

Roaming the streets of Saigon Vietnam

Roaming the streets of Saigon Vietnam

  Roaming the streets of Saigon   You may have read in my previous post that during February 2016 I had the chance to visit Vietnam for the first time. I spent 2 weeks in Vietnam’s economic capital Saigon, also known as Ho Chi Min City. My first week there...



    Green inner city Parrots, purple-blue colored trees and black swans...    Where am I ? No, no. Not on ‘acid’ or any other mind altering substances. I am in Perth, dummy! Capital city of WA, a.k.a. Western Australia. And I love it here.   I...

In Search of the Soul of Seoul

In Search of the Soul of Seoul

  What and where is the soul of Seoul ?   In its advertising campaign to attract visitors to Seoul, they coined the term: Seoul, the soul of Asia. So I thought it may be a good motto to go by, and find out what is the soul of Seoul ? And besides, I always...

Melbourne yeah mate

Melbourne yeah mate

  Melbourne - what a place !   After having visited Sydney and Perth in the past it was high time for me to see Melbourne and I was very much looking forward to this trip. There was one thing in particular that I wanted to find out. What makes this city to...

Bern Short & Sweet

Bern Short & Sweet

During January 2016 I visited Switzerland for the first time. Actually, it was the second time, because I was there once in my early childhood. But I have no memories of the very first time. This was a very short visit. Just 3 days. I was accompanied by my favorite...

Vietnam during Tet

Vietnam during Tet

To TET, or not to TET ?  That is the question.   Most travel advice will tell you that it is not a good idea to visit Vietnam during TET. And I can certainly see why…   But let me explain to you first: What is TET ? TET, is the lunar new-year festive season in...

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