Industrial Photographer in Indonesia
Industrial photography is how I started as a photographer in Indonesia. Let me share the story with you. After finishing my career in the corporate world, I founded a web design agency. And soon we branched out into other domains of corporate communication including the creating of CD-Roms, printed brochures and related materials.
Many of my web-design agency’s clients did not have any photographs. Often, they also did not have budgets for hiring a professional photographer.
So I kinda’ swindled myself into these projects claiming to be an industrial photographer. And guess what: I got away with that ‘swindle’. And over the period of a few years I gained a lot of experience photographing factories and plants in Indonesia.
Therefore, my claim of being an industrial photographer in Indonesia soon became a fact.
I very much enjoy doing industrial photography. I love the challenge of coming to a huge factory which at first sight has nothing interesting to photograph.
Over time I developed an eye for finding interesting motives. And like with all things in life – the more you do of it the better you become.
What I also love about photographing industrial activity in Indonesia is that I have been privileged to visit some of Indonesia’s largest factories. I gained access to many places most people will never see. Unless of course they are also involved with industrial projects.
In a way, my work as an industrial photographer in Indonesia had a significant ‘adventure’ component to it. And I visited some of Indonesia’s far flung islands and corners.
My work as an Industrial photographer in Indonesia took a backseat at the time when I went more and more into weddings and pre-wedding photography in Bali.
But I continued taking on assignments and one project even brought me to Malaysia.
After 2010 my work in Industrial photography more and more shifted towards mining & shipping. And I did so much work in that domain that my work as a mining photographer in Indonesia has its own section on this website.
So, without further ado here are some of the highlights of my work as an industrial photographer in Indonesia.

Industrial Tanks for chemical plant in West Java – Indonesia

Industrial photograph for EPSON Indonesia

Textile factory Central Java – Indonesia

EPSON Scanner factory – Indonesia

Television broadcast tower Indonesia

Chemical Plant in West Java Indonesia

Textile factory Indonesia

Production facility in industrial plant in Indonesia

Television broadcast Tower

Construction workers building a 300 meter high tower

Industrial photography in Indonesia

Workers at an Indonesian factory

working 300 meters above ground

Industrial machine in an Indonesian factory