Snakes of Bali

Snakes of Bali

In this series of photographs, I have photographed the snakes that I have encountered in the garden of my house over the course of several years. And tried to make portraits of those ‘critters’.

Melbourne yeah mate

Melbourne yeah mate

Melbourne – what a place !   After having visited Sydney and Perth in the past it was high time for me to see Melbourne and I was very much looking forward to this trip. There was one thing in particular that I wanted to find out. What makes this city to...
Vietnam during Tet

Vietnam during Tet

To TET, or not to TET ?  That is the question.   Most travel advice will tell you that it is not a good idea to visit Vietnam during TET. And I can certainly see why…   But let me explain to you first: What is TET ? TET, is the lunar new-year festive season in...

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