A trip to North East China with family & Win
In the following, I am pleased to show you some holiday photographs of a recent trip to Dalian and Harbin – China. Captured not only by me but also by my dear friend and fellow photographer: Win.

Do not mess with me guys !

Gila, apa ?

what ? You don’t like the photos. ? Bugga off then…

… and what are you looking at ?

Shifu Win !

and what to photograph next ?

Never leave home w/o your smartphone…

I like it here… its fun…

So many lights around

a visit to the Zoo in Dalian

Relax dude !

boom boom boom boom

my own car…

and one more turn

Win & Kika when its windy

the beach is not too bad around here either… a bit colder than Bali though…

If mom can bring her cell I can bring my friends to…

so what you eat when it’s cold out there ? Ice cream, of course, stupid…

shouldn’t mom be pushing me ?

fast, faster, fastest.

Skiing of course… After al,l I am half Austrian…

now here the pushing order seems ok.

something to hold on …

Mom, faster, mom…

I win !

Win, I am faster…

fun for small ones and big ones…

Not to bad for the ‘tropical mom’…

So much more fun …

are we gonna crash ?

fliming and throwing snow balls at the same time

Heating up over coffee

Selfie as usual…

skyline of Dalian with Kika in it…

chasing shawdows

finally in Harbin !

a bit chilly through at minus 22…

red cheecks anyone ?

I like it here !

come ‘on let’s see some more.

follow me please !

The Arctic is also just a walk in the park…

what’s there to photograph… Its all just ice… init ?

One more time please

the bike is too large for me…

Look there is even more ice over there… 😉

We love it !

coz its so much fun !

another round mom, please…

chilling & smiling

Capek Dong ! aq mau muleh…
I hope you have enjoyed our family photographs.
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